
'shared workspace'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. shared workspace plugin

shared workspace plugin


Build Trigger의 'Poll SCM' 사용 시 shared workspace의 variable ${SHAREDSPACE_SCM_URL} 사용이 안 된다.

아래 내용 참고.

link : https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Shared+workspace+plugin

This plugin allows to share workspaces by Jenkins jobs with the same SCM repos.

It should save you some disk space, if you have different jobs with identical repos.

How to use it:

1) In "Manage Jenkins"->"Configure System" find new "Workspace Sharing" block.

2) Add some Name + SCM Repo URL pairs. Save.

3) Go to the job configuration page, now you able to select "Shared Workspace" here.

4) Use ${SHAREDSPACE_SCM_URL} variable in your SCM url field.

Workspaces will be created as {node remote FS root}/sharedspace/{workspace name}

Known issues:

 - SCM polling not working for now, plugin should be improved.

 - sometimes, on fresh copied job, shared-space url parameter not saving to config on first "save", you should save job twice to be sure.

New in 1.0.2

  • Support for matrix-build projects

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