
[Win32 API] Registry Element Size Limits

MindGear 2010. 12. 16. 20:50

Registry Element Size Limits

The following table identifies the size limits for the various registry elements.

Registry Element Size Limit
Key name 255 characters
Value name 16,383 characters
Windows 2000:  260 ANSI characters or 16,383 Unicode characters.
Windows Me/98/95:  255 characters
Value Available memory (latest format)

1MB (standard format)

Windows Me/98/95:  16,300 bytes.
Windows 95:  There is a 64K limit for the total size of all values of a key.
Tree A registry tree can be 512 levels deep. You can create up to 32 levels at a time through a single registry API call.

Long values (more than 2,048 bytes) should be stored as files with the file names stored in the registry. This helps the registry perform efficiently.